Come to the Waters

Litany of Confession and Pardon inspired by Isaiah 55

by Ken Sehested

Call to Confession

The Word of Strong Deliverance is whispered in the ears of all who long for the relief of pardon. “Listen,” says the Assuring One, “all of you who thirst for righteousness, who hunger for justice, come to the waters. All of you who know you are broke, who have no way of buying your freedom, no way of bargaining for joy—come, buy, eat and rejoice!”

Here, in this Circle, the good news is learned: “Come, buy wine and milk with neither cash nor credit. Provision is freely offered, but only to those acquainted with their penniless condition.”

Here, in this Circle, the secret is broadcast to a world built on deception: “Your anxious toil buys bread that does not satisfy. You languish in illusion. Lay down the labor which separates each from the other—and from The Other.”

Litany of Response

Bare your hearts as you approach this table of bounty.

We come to confession uneasily.

For we fear that our lives have come up short.

We come to confession fretfully.

For we fear that a spotlight of shame will shine on our failed dreams and frail hopes.

We come to confession fearfully, for the god of Maximum Return has confused and confounded us.

So we denounce this god, in the name of the God Without Price.

In the Name of the One Who established the earth’s bounty and purse as available to all.

Having passed through the waters of baptism, and tested in the desert of deception, we come confessing and pardoned to the table of bounty. It’s fiesta time!

Burst forth in song, you mountains! Clap your hands all you trees of the forest! For God is not done. Deliverance is at hand!

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