Come Ye Thankful (and Ye Cranky) People Come

A call to worship on Thanksgiving

by Abigail Hastings

Come ye thankful people, come
go ahead and raise
         that song of harvest home

Come ye cranky people, come
raise your dirge
of gloom and glum

Come ye melancholy people, come
hum your wistful
losses, hum

Come ye goofy people, come
sing ye silly ditties
no matter how dumb

Come ye
thankful, happy,
         smiling, tormented, forlorn,
                  complacent, grateful people . . . come!

Raise your song of harvest,
         of home,
                  of things longed-for and things unknown

For all are welcome to this hour of worship ~

A bounty of grace awaits you
a side order of mercy is being prepared for you
and a doggie bag is available
         for you to take with you what is needful
         for your soul to continue to rejoice
                  in the fullness of God’s table
                           that is spread before us.

Let us join in the worship of God.

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