by Ken Sehested
Unless you’re a new reader, you likely noticed that my (almost) weekly “Signs of the Times” column (“news, views, notes, and quotes) took a long hiatus. An explanation is in order, especially to you who contribute.
Late last year I sent a note saying that, as my Nana used to say, “I’m all tuckered out.”
Shortly after that, my Mom’s health took a nosedive. She passed in February.
It hit me harder than I anticipated, in part because her death was the end of eight years of intensive care for her and my sister, including my living in South Dakota for 8 months during my sister’s failed battle with cancer. Then I brought Mom to live with us here in N.C.
I’m finally admitting I don’t have the get-up-and-go I once did. I not withdrawing from electronic publishing; and in fact I’ve probably done more original writing this year than most.
I’ve hired a consultant to help me redesign the site and create a more sustainable template. I’ve also got to learn new software since the platform I use is being aged out.
Again, prayer&politiks is not shutting down; only becoming a little less predictable in the near future.
Thanks for your support and encouragement.
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