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Wipf & Stock Publishers 2017 (reprint); 77 pages.
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Endorsement statements for Peace Primer II
Peace Primer II is an invaluable aid, showing how strong peace and non-violence traditions can help us reclaim what is best and most holy in our traditions. —Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun magazine and chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives
A very valuable resource for promoting mutual respect and effective dialogue. —David Smock, Senior Vice President and Director of Religion and Peacemaking Program, US Institute of Peace
What a precious gift! This little volume contains the heart and soul of each of the three traditions, encouraging each of us to be the lamp through which the light of peace transforms a troubled world. —Ashaki H. Taha-Cisse, Executive Director and Main Representative to the U.N., African American Islamic Institute
With this beautifully-crafted primer, no one can miss the core scriptural warrants for saying "Religion must stop blessing war and violence!" —Rev. Peter Laarman, Executive Director, Progressive Christians Uniting
An important resource for strengthening the resolve of current interfaith leaders, and spreading the message of interfaith cooperation to new ones.” —Eboo Patel, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core, Author of Sacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice and the Promise of America
“This powerful book challenges all Jews, Christians and Muslims who use religion as a rationale for violence.” —David Hartsough, Co-Founder, Nonviolent Peaceforce
A Rabbi, an Imam, and a Minister walk into a publishing house, and created a book that is timeless in its value for all of Humanity. Peace Primer II shows how our traditions demand us to pursue peace. —Rabbi Dr. Arthur Segal, author of Great is Peace: A Modern Commentary on Talmud Tractate Derek Eretz Zuta
A clear and beautiful book for the expert and the seeker. —Maren Tirabassi, pastor and writer, most recently of Gifts in Open Hands: More Worship Resources for the Global Community
The authors, each of whom is deeply centered on his or her own tradition, expose us to the riches in the texts that draw us into our own center, and simultaneously closer to each other. —Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, President, Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education
Gottlieb, Harris, and Sehested have gone where too few leaders have the courage to go—on a journey of listening and learning from siblings of different traditions. This text inspires us to affirm God's vision for the world—wholeness, wellbeing, peace. —David Emmanuel Goatley, Executive Secretary, Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Society and President, North American Baptist Fellowship
Peace Primer reminds us that our sacred texts challenge us to have these very conversations and be transformed by the conversation. —Rabbi Meiri Batsheva, Congregation Beth HaTephila, Asheville, NC
These are voices that recall us all to our essentials, and guide us to live together in mutual respect. —Timothy C. Downs, Conference Minister, Southeast Conference United Church of Christ
Peace Primer is a must for interfaith travelers who want to do more than pray and hold hands. —Daniel L. Buttry, international mediator, conflict transformation trainer and author of Interfaith Heroes
There is no more challenging frontier than interfaith dialogue. The task of building bridges of understanding, respect, and friendship with people of other faiths will neither dishonor nor diminish our love for Jesus. —Rev. Dr. Roy Medley, General Secretary, American Baptist Churches USA
This is a useful, accessible and practical guide to developing interfaith relationships. I really like what you have done! And it is beautifully designed. —Dr. Molly T. Marshall, President and Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation, Central Baptist Theological Seminary