by Ken Sehested
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
By that Word were all things breathed to life from the breathless dark, knit into comely shape from nether and nil.
Read more ›W]hen I addressed people as I used to frequently in the peace movement, there would be, in the last 10 years, always somebody saying, “I am so disillusioned.” Well, being old now, I can be forthri… — William Sloan Coffin
by Ken Sehested
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
By that Word were all things breathed to life from the breathless dark, knit into comely shape from nether and nil.
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Call to Worship
Come to the place where horizons expand, and the gulf between earth and sky shrinks. Here covenants unfold and confrontations are staged.
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Let the room be filled with laud and laughter, oh people of Mercy. Fill the air with music and merriment, with the sound of delight annulling the wail of indigence.
Praise your Maker, you wind and wave. Sun and moon and Bethlehem’s star, shout in exultation!
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Worthy, worthy the One who conceived the earth and gave birth to bears and basil and beatitudes alike.
We extol you, Heaven’s Delight and Earth’s Repose!
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In the beginning the Verdant One saw everything that was made, and behold, it was lavish and delightful. (Genesis 1:31)
The earth is satisfied with the fruit of God’s greening hand. (Psalm 104:13)
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Discard your reluctance, you saints and you sinners:
Shout vowels of praise, sing consonants of delight.
On you, Dear Beloved, have I cast my care and
entrusted my fare. Let none rejoice over my sorrow;
let none reprise my grief.
by Ken Sehested
Leader: Let all that breathes declare the good news.
Children (arms raised): Christ has risen!
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Oh LORD, you are my shepherd, I shall not want.
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning?
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Jump for joy, oh people! For amid the screaming commercials and blithering campaign ads, the Redeemer has heard our aching voice.
God hears! God knows! This is our assurance against all blistering deceit.
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Turning from darkness (death) to light (life) is a major theme in Scripture. But there is also a minority report, where darkness and shadow are the place of God’s abiding Presence.
“Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry; give ear to my prayer from lips free of deceit. Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.” —Psalm17:1, 8
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