Wonderfully made

A litany for worship inspired by Psalm 139

by Ken Sehested

Merciful One, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you hear my thoughts from far away.

Encompass me with your Presence, and lay your hand on my heart.

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Loosed for life and love’s consent

A litany for worship inspired by Acts 2:42-47

by Ken Sehested

Following the dramatic response to Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost, the text reports that the newly-formed People of the Way devoted themselves to listening and learning, to lingering in each other’s presence, to potluck dinners, and to prayer—with praise and pintos, songs and salads, received and given ’round the Bountiful Table.

Hands and hearts, bound together, loosed for life and Love’s consent.

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Dry bones

A litany for worship inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-14

by Ken Sehested

’Neath the canyons of vengeance
      lies the valley of bones.
Many bones. Dry bones.
Bleached by remorse and hope’s demise.

Child of Eden’s failure and Noah’s fortune.

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Fear of the Lord

A litany for worship inspired by Psalm 111:10 and Mark 1:21-28

by Ken Sehested

The psalmist proclaims: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Who can imagine a fear-mongering, molesting God?

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You shall also love the stranger

A litany for worship, using texts on immigrants

by Ken Sehested

Gracious One, who jealously guards the lives of those at every edge, we lift our heavy hearts to your Mercy.

We live in a fretful land, anxious over the ebbing away of privilege, fearful that strangers are stealing our birthright.

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Living water

A litany for worship

by Ken Sehested

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High. God will quench the thirst of all who drink from this river of delight. (Psalm 46:4 ; Psalm 36:8)

Living water! ¡Aguas de vida!

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Water of life

A baptismal prayer

by Ken & Nancy Hastings Sehested

We thank you, God, for water.
By it you give life to plants,
Animals, and all humankind.

We thank you that in the beginning
your Spirit of creation moved over
the face of the waters.

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Christ as Lord?

A litany for worship inspired by Ephesians 3:1-12

by Ken Sehested

And what do we mean when we speak of the Lordship of Christ? Is this to say that the Holy One is the ultimate author of vengeance and retribution? Of demeaning power and humiliation?

No, a thousand times, NO! The Lordship of Christ speaks of the coming end of all lording, of the day when the cords of subjugation will unravel.

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Give officials your justice

A litany for worship inspired by Psalm 72:1-7

by Ken Sehested

One: Give our elected officials your justice, O God.

All: And your righteousness to all who follow them in office.

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