Oh, for a Word

Oh, for a Word to be heard from above
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a pardon for hardened contempt
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a vision, a decision and desire
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for an ear just to hear our name spoken
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a sight, clear and bright, pure delight
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a heart to impart love unmeasured
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a tongue hitched to lungs full of praise
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Behold, the day comes when the dumb shall rejoice!
Behold, every hearing, no fearing that Voice!

©Ken Sehested @ prayerandpolitiks.org. Inspired by Mark 7:31-37.