When Jesus began his ministry, Rome was the sole superpower, governed by Tiberius, adoptive son of Caesar Augustus, whose praises were carved in stone.
From untamed territory a voice resounds: Prepare the Way! Unlock the gate! Make straight the reach of Love renowned.
Caesar was the “redeemer” who brought “salvation,” establishing “peace and security for the world,” the only true “Lord” in whom all should have “faith.”
Rise up you valleys! Recline you mountains! The Word breaks, unleashed, from every empire’s rule, every temple’s sway.
Not even Caiaphas, cipher of sanctity and broker of pardon, can corral the bewilding of heaven.
Repent and confess you creatures of flesh. Linger and hear, for mercy draws near, bewildering fear in its wake. Sinew and tear, every sword, every spear, shall yield to the triumph of Grace.
©Ken Sehested @ prayerandpolitiks.org. Inspired by Luke 3:1-6.