by Ken Sehested
Happy are you who do not heed the advice of evil ones, or take the path of deceivers, or sit in the chambers of the haughty.
But our delight is in the Way of Life; we labor along its path by day and we are wrapped in its protection by night.
Because of this, you are like trees planted by fresh streams of water, yielding your fruit in season, holding your leaves without fail. Your future is assured.
The self-centered are absorbed in empty boasts. They are driven by foul winds. They shall be scattered to distant wastelands, withering in wanton decay.
The Just-and-Merciful One is a vigilant companion of all on the Way of justice and mercy. The corrupt and vengeful trudge the path of destruction.
We are bound to this freedom road, prisoners of this hope, destined for the land where moaning and weeping are banished, destined for the land of joyous song, of laughter and dancing. And mercy, sweet mercy. May it be so. May it be so.
©Ken Sehested @ Reprinted from "In the Land of the Living: Prayers personal and public."