Chords of comfort

To what wilderness have you strayed, oh people of the Way? To what distraction have you tuned your ears? Have you not heard? To what diversion have you loaned your eyes? Have you not seen? Oh people of Mercy:

Sing chords of comfort to worried minds, tender songs to wounded hearts. Raise a song of gladness!

The One who established the foundations of the earth has not abandoned. The One whose breast has nursed you has not forsaken. Oh people of Mercy:

Sing chords of comfort to worried minds, tender songs to wounded hearts. Raise a song of gladness!

The ransom of enmity is paid! The hostile threat is answered. In God’s Mercy, the Bosom of Heaven has been restored. Oh people of Mercy:

Sing chords of comfort to worried minds, tender songs to wounded hearts. Raise a song of gladness!

Listen, and hear. Look, and see! The lowly places are raised. The lofty places erode. The stumbling paths are smoothed and the precipice is secured. The Fresh Breath of Heaven fills the air. Breathe deeply, oh people of Mercy:

Sing chords of comfort to worried minds, tender songs to wounded hearts. Raise a song of gladness!

Singing: Alleluia, alleluia, joy to every heart.

©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Isaiah 40.