by Ken Sehested
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me.
In the measure of your abundant mercy, clear the debris from my life.
Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me.
My failures are before me; they mock and taunt me.
Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me.
Even my bones feel the weight of disappointment.
Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me.
May the splintered places and severed joints rejoice with your healing promise.
From your mercy I shall rise renewed.
Create in me a sturdy heart, inscribed with your covenant pledge!
From your mercy I shall rise renewed.
Restored to your Presence, I shall again speak of your purpose.
From your mercy I shall rise renewed.
Make me fearless in the face of threat.
From your mercy I shall rise renewed.
Sisters and brothers, this is the goodness of the News we hear and proclaim: What is needed is not perfection but penitence. Our shortcomings do not finally confine us. Our mistakes are not permanent. Grace is greater than our shame, and mercy will triumph over vengeance.