Sisters and brothers, heed the appeal of Heaven’s approach: The sinews of life grow from bodies adorned with the countenance of mercy.
Conform no more to the ruling arrangements. Don’t go cheap for the marketer’s bribe.
Let the eyes of your soul be refocused. Let the ears of your heart be retuned. Hold onto your birthright. Hold out for more: Don’t go cheap for pleasant lies.
Don’t go cheap, no, don’t go cheap.
Sort the news. Weigh the claims. Hawkers abound, shilling for those invested in the way things are. Hold out for more: Don’t go cheap for second-hand convictions.
Don’t go cheap, no, don’t go cheap.
If one of you has a special ability, what of it? Don’t be vain. It is not for you. Fear of its loss will poison your well. Hold out for more: Don’t go cheap for flattery’s promise.
Don’t go cheap, no, don’t go cheap.
If one of you says, “I have no gifts to give,” again I say, “Don’t be vain.” Fear of its lack will poison your well. Hold out for more: Don’t go cheap for scarcity’s threat.
Don’t go cheap, no don’t go cheap.
I, the Guarantor of the Harvest, have dug many wells in your terrain. They flow from one to the other in ways you cannot comprehend. And all draw from the same aquifer of life, freely given. Don’t go cheap for private access.
Don’t go cheap, no, don’t go cheap.
©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Romans 12:1-8.