Life transfigured

It is good and proper to give thanks to God.
And to petition these gifts of the Spirit:
Generosity, the secret of wealth.
Reverence, the secret of risk.
Trust, the secret of fearlessness.
Pardon, the secret of power.
Obedience, the secret of freedom.
Laughter, the secret of longevity.
Rest, the secret of resolve.
Humility, the secret of wisdom.
Comfort, the secret of boldness.
Lament, the secret of hope.

Transfigure our lives, O Christ.
Beckon us to that day when
all shall linger ’neath their vine
and fig tree, and none shall be afraid.
Safe, secure from all alarms.
Leaning on the everlasting arms.*

©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Micah 4:3. Last two lines from the chorus of “What a Fellowship,” Elisha A. Hoffman.