by Ken Sehested
Rejoice in the presence of those who resist the counsel of the arrogant, who sidestep the influence-peddlers, who refuse to participate in political payoffs.
Blessed One, multiply their presence in our midst! And may we have the courage to be among their number!
Welcome such women and men and children. Through their lives all Life is served. Like strong trees planted by the water, their fruits are abundant and their prosperity is shared by all.
Bountiful One, multiply their presence in our midst! And may we have the courage to be among their number!
Oh my people, do not be swayed by the promises of those who pit the strong against the weak; who assure that terror can be vanquished by even more terror. Their days are numbered. Like the chaff, their legacy will be scattered by the wind. Judgment awaits their reckless and ruinous schemes.
Benevolent One, grant persevering power to those who hunger and thirst for justice and mercy. Multiply their presence in our midst! And may we have the courage to be among their number!
©Ken Sehested @