Listen up, you heralds of hope: Hear the cheer of angels for your big, bold, even brassy acts of courage. Don’t back down from the chance to be audacious, bodacious, maybe even contentious.
Yet it is the tenacious on whom the Beloved most depends.
Quotidian faithfulness—in life’s persistent, unremarkable moments, when no bands play, no cameras roll, no headlines appear—this is the persevering labor which Redemption most employs. Ordinary time rocks.
Vision for mission begins with the street signs in your own neighborhood.
The bonds you restore outweigh the bounty you confer.
An inch of fertile soil takes a millennium to amass. Plant a coastal redwood, and fruit trees whose yield you will not taste.
Small stuff matters. An ounce of care is worth a ton of theory.
Foster the habits of daily attention and timely words to encourage.
God’s in the details; the devil prefers abstraction.
Come mothers and shepherds, gardeners and menders. Come fathers and healers, instructors, defenders.
The rendezvous of Heaven with earth is announced with each pardon’s release.
©Ken Sehested @