Prosper the work of every generous hand

A litany for worship inspired by Psalm 90

by Ken Sehested

The earth and all its environs were marked from the beginning as the Dwelling Place of abundance. In this once-and-future land the arrogant are humbled by the countenance of Truth.

Holy the Name, whose might is manifest in mercy. Prosper the work of every generous hand.

Turn back, O merchants of misery. Your market rule shall wither in the Light of Heaven’s approach.

Holy the Name, whose majesty is forged in meekness. Prosper the work of every generous hand.

The Author of Eden lays claim to creation’s purpose, raging against the banker’s deceit, overwhelming the financier’s fraud, sweeping away the march of capital that siphons the poor to the engine of greed.

Holy the Name, whose dominion frustrates every pharaoh’s reign. Prosper the work of every generous hand.

O Troubler of every tyranny, inspire again the bountiful harvest beyond the speculator’s reach and the broker’s control. May the quarrel of your love reverse the rule of theft and restore an economy of grace.

Holy the Name, whose blessing is bestowed on every hungry heart—and who prospers the work of every generous hand.

©ken sehested @