by Ken Sehested
Take my life and let it be / consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
In all seasons, in every shape and condition of our lives,
transform our minds and hearts in ways that magnify the rule of Mercy:
In ways that conform to Your extravagant and redemptive purposes;
in our hopes and promises, in our joys and our sorrows,
whether rising or resting, at home or away,
at work and at play, with those near and dear but also with strangers,
in our longing and our learning to love enemies.
In an age ruled by terror—both by state and by sect—place on our lips
the subversive claim of the Resurrection.
As the vanguard of your coming Commonwealth,
give us the courage to live at odds with the rage of this age.
Inspire in us a thirst for beauty and for truth.
Instill in us the wisdom to track the signs of your Spirit moving
in odd ways and in unbeknown places.
Incite in us the compassion for those neglected parts
of your creation—soul and soil alike—
in our neighborhoods, in our nation, in the whole wide world.
Bless these resolutions, these promises,
made today in response to your beckoning,
and make us ever more faithful, day by passing day. Amen.
©ken sehested @