From the turbulent bowels of darkest deep,
our roiling souls cry to you, O God!
Close not your ears to the sound of our
afflictions! Remind us again that Heaven’s
Provision will yet outlast earth’s squalid distress.
Draw us to the Still Point of love’s tranquil refrain,
to the melody of restful hearts:
“Be still and know, still and know, know that I am God.”
In our watching and waiting, on the
Boundary of bedlam and the squalling,
the brawling, the frivolous noise,
shield us from the Confusor’s snare.
“Be still and know, still and know, know that I am God.”
O people of Mercy,
of promise and pardon,
lean into the One
who alone shall abide.
©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Psalm 130 & Psalm 46.