The Clothier’s work

We are free to act boldly because we are safe.

We are safe because we are at rest.

We are at rest because we have been forgiven.

We are forgiven because we have come to know that the Spirit meets us in our weakness, not our strength.

And in the strength of our weakness we find our security; fear’s fierce grip loosens, freeing us to act boldly.

Such is the journey, ever onward. By the Clothier’s hand are we fitted with garments apropos for the Fiesta to come!

So rise up, you pilgrims, whether hale and hearty or flustered and weary. Be clothed with the sun and with power from on high, robed in righteousness, shod in the Gospel of Peace.

Round up your rowdy friends, but especially the lame and all with no claim on the Bountiful Table.

The Banquet beckons.

Your Host awaits.

©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Revelation 12:1; Luke 14:13, 24:49; Psalm 139:2, Ephesians 6:15.