The world can be too much

Listen, God. Pay attention. Bend your ear to the sigh of my soul.

The world can be too much.

Floods devastate the lives of friends in the Midwest. Drought continues here in the Southeast. Health care costs and foreclosures and the price of tortillas have us scrambling for spare change.

The world can be too much.

While public opinion slowly turns against Guantanamo’s tortured cells, its twin facility—Bagram prison, in Afghanistan—is getting a $60 million expansion.

The world can be too much.

At Marion prison, the drumbeat of a Native American service of prayer for healing competes with the report of rifle fire from the guards’ practice range just beyond the walls.

The world can be too much—for us, but not for You.

For you are the Author of wondrous things. You are gracious, overflowing with steadfast mercy, a constant and patience presence. You grant strength to those who falter, new beginnings for those who fail, a welcome-home hug in our return from prodigal journeys.

Teach us Your ways, oh Wondrous One, that we may walk the boulevard of beauty, the road of justice, the highway of peace!

©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Psalm 81.