The Radiance of Day is my light and salvation.
No threat can entrap me, no terror encroach.
The Sovereign’s my full-armored haven, safe harbor.
No storm can o’erwhelm me, no gale can prevail.
Though foes clamor ’round, bitter fright falls in torrents,
thy Sheltering Hand’s dense defense doth surround me.
Cast me not, Gentle Savior, into grief’s ruin and ravage;
for thy countenance only, I aspire and desire.
O Beauteous One, with rainbow adorned, insurrection,
resurrection, pure affection thy attire.
With relished delight all attest this confession:
The goodness of God brims the land of the living.
I dare lift my head ’bove the raucous assemblage;
with joy serenading, Thy praises resound!
Be strong, oh my heart, with courage impart; neither leave
nor depart ’til by Mercy embraced.
©Ken Sehested @ Inspired by Psalm 27.