O Wondrous One,
who rides the skies and
consorts with the earth,
who haunts the heavens,
hounding mere mortals
with the expectation of ecstasy,
come and incite us to
Heaven’s revolt against
earth’s revenge.
Revive hungry hearts
wandering this arid land
with the aroma of your presence.
Fire of Heaven,
scorch away the encrusted
results of living so long
outside the breath of your lungs.
Rekindle your blaze
in the marrow of our souls.
As Jesus was raised
in Easter’s Resurrection Moment,
now animate your people
on this Pentecost Sunday,
and breathe new life into your
Resurrection Movement.
O Majestic One,
whose passion spills into flesh and blood,
bless the one who kneels in this assembly.
She is fruit of your womb,
anointed with your presence,
acknowledged by these witnesses
as an arsonist of the Spirit.
As with our ancient sister Mary,
draw forth from her lips
the subversive announcement of
Heaven’s claim on earth’s abandoned.
Bread of Heaven,
with our hands implant your
fingerprint on her forehead, sign
of contradiction and scandal
to the gods of this age,
of blessed bounty
or the age to come.
Make her voice strong,
her feet nimble.
May she ever revel as one
made in your image.
Give her death-defying courage,
holy rage and tender mercy.
Instill salty savor,
leavening wisdom,
and guiding light.
©Ken Sehested @ prayerandpolitiks.org. Written and then adapted for the ordination services of several friends.