Sisters and Brothers,
bend an ear
to the singing of angels.
Not that of seasonal
carolers who pause
at lace-curtained windows:
offering familiar and favorite
tunes in delicious harmony
and frosted breath;
providing splendid distraction
from the agonized arias of the innocent.
But for angels, who,
in the midst of
Caesar’s endless census,
erupt from darkest eclipse
with unnerving news,
startling keepers of every flock,
unsettling every sanction
with the overture
of swaddling-wrapped revolt:
Behold the light
for those who dwell
in the shadow of death!
Those for whom
this “world” is “home”
will take offense
at the herald announcing
this manger marquee.
As with the shepherds,
they will “wonder” at your tale.
But fear not, for
these are glad tidings.
Blend your voices
with the heavenly chorus,
singing glory, and peace,
to God, and for the earth.
Sisters and Brothers,
Rejoice! For
unto us a child. . . .
©Ken Sehested @ Advent 1995.