by Ken Sehested
O Truth Untamed, all boundaries bow before You
All borders bend according to your Word
O grant that every bitter heart be harbored
In sheltered cove, with Mercy’s flag unfurled
Hearken and haste, Desire of every nation
Refresh the heart of hope too long deferred.
Let every mountain call to meadowed valley
And every stream, to ocean grand and wide
Let fertile ground announce the new creation
When all shall come, ’cross every great divide
O bell of liberty ring out for freedom
Break every slaver’s chain, with hope confide
For all in Christ, there is a new creation
No more shall sorrow’s cold embrace restrain
God’s Rule and Reign unrav’ling pain with pardon
Transforming tears and fears to joy’s refrain
Earth’s host now reconciled to Heaven’s harvest
The land, once tortured, bountiful again
Enlist all hands in reconciling measure
Ambassadors are we in Christ’s domain
Attend your ears to this appeal, O Sisters
O Brothers, heed the reclamation’s claim
A path now opens through the sea of trembling
From slav’ry’s chain, let freedom’s way proclaim
Let peace be waged with courage and devotion
With warrior’s brav’ry, vigilant and bold
Emancipation’s melodies surround us
Each voice in harmony, all tongues enfold
Let Grace untold tame fear’s unnerving sorrow
And sorrow’s verse, to joy’s refrain unfold
©Ken Sehested @ May be sung to the Finlandia ("This Is My Song") tune. Inspired by 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.