
     Call to Confession
Many of us are attracted to this place because here, in this Circle of Mercy, we find the freedom to question dogmas and orthodoxies of every kind. But not just the religious kind. There is another set of dogmas and orthodoxies which entangle our lives more than we know. Over and over our social, economic and political institutions tell us that:

    •only the strong survive
    •you get what you earn
    •friends are to be rewarded and enemies are punished.

Lent is the season for exposing these illusions; for confessing and being delivered from their power; and for learning another Way to live.

Litany of Response
ALL: We journey with you, Jesus, into the desert, the place where deceptions are forced from the shadows. It’s not easy to go there. But we will. As we move to this table, relax our grasping hands, calm our restless feet, empty our hearts of the illusion that happiness comes by hoarding.

ONE: Illusion is the only thing that dies in our confession. On the other side of such death is our deliverance.

ALL: “I have plans for you,” says the Beloved, “plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future filled with hope and emptied of horror.”

©Ken Sehested @ prayerandpolitiks.org. Inspired by Jeremiah 29:11.