The ‘God-factor’ in our recent elections

A post-election sermon

by Ken Sehested
Texts: Isaiah 58:1-12, Matthew 5:13-20

Video link:

        In the weeks before the recent Women’s March on Washington, I heard from several friends around the country who were planning to go. I sent them notes saying, “Look for Nancy and our granddaughter Sydney. They’re going to be wearing some kind of pink hats with kitty cat ears.”

        I didn’t realize nearly everyone in the crowd would have one of those hats.

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Caught in the mess, caught in the mercy

A tale from maximum security

Call to the table, by Nancy Hastings Sehested

It was field day on the prison yard. A couple hundred inmates were competing in basketball and volleyball games and relay races. The cooler of fruit punch ran out, but they had a water fountain on the side of the building. But Montel was in a wheelchair and couldn’t reach the fountain. He wheeled over to the staff tent and asked for a cup of water from the staff cooler. Several staff said no. Then he turned to me, the chaplain, and asked for water. I said no.

I couldn’t sleep that night. Why didn’t I give a man a cup of water? Jesus said something specific about that, and if anyone gives a cup of cold water. . . .

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News, views, notes, and quotes

Signs of the Times  •  2 February 2017  •  No. 107

Processional. Karim Sulayman stood blindfolded on a New York City sidewalk, with a sign saying what his fears were, inviting people to react: “I trust you.” (3:14 video, with Sinead O’Connor’s “In This Heart” song performed by Sulayman)

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News, views, notes, and quotes

Signs of the Times  •  26 January 2017  •  No. 106

Processional. “What good is love and peace on earth? / When it's exclusive? / Where's the truth in the written word? / If no one reads it / A new day dawning / Comes without warning / So don't blink twice / We live in troubled times.” —Green Day, “Troubled Times” (Thanks Michael.)

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Fear of the Lord

A litany for worship inspired by Psalm 111:10 and Mark 1:21-28

by Ken Sehested

The psalmist proclaims: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Who can imagine a fear-mongering, molesting God?

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