Only this is sure

Friends, of all the things we believe or disbelieve, only this is sure:

We are a delight to the One who crowns the earth with sky,

Who shines on the soil by day and shelters the heart by night.

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Oh, for a Word

Oh, for a Word to be heard from above
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a pardon for hardened contempt
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

Oh, for a vision, a decision and desire
School us in mercy, tutor in grace

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Offer your applause

People of Mercy, put your hands together for the One we adore, lift your cheers to the Tender of orphans and widows, to the Protector of migrant farmer and those crushed with medical debt.

[All clap and cheer!]

Release your grip on the gods of armed might, on strategies of shock and awe. Confound the tortured schemes of the White House, jolt the laggard vision of the church house, and raise the burdened hopes of the poor house.

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Nothing can separate

The Spirit draws near to the people of Promise, a people grown weary by the delay of Heaven’s remission and earth’s Redemption.

{Singing} Come ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish.

Lean into Mercy, you prisoners of hope, with all your damp, dismayed strength.

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No one can serve two masters

Hear this, oh people of the Covenant: The claim of Heaven’s Reign and the clamor over earth’s rule are woven together. The seed sown in one is harvested in the other. All questions of piety are questions of power. But the nature of power is contested.

No one can serve two masters.

There is this version of the Golden Rule: Those with the gold get to rule.

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No fright scars the night

As shadows advance with light’s retreat, prompt wings of the heart to fold in repose.

No fright scars the night, encircled in mercy.

As western sky fades, with compline’s approach, prompt vigilant hands to fold in repose.

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Nicodemus, stalwart among the Sincere-Upright Party of God, came to Jesus, confused.

“Rabbi-teacher,” says he, “your walk conforms to your word; your call, to your claim; your feats, to your faith. Why do you distance yourself from our Party?”

“Dear Brother Nicodemus,” Jesus replied, “none could be so right and so wrong. To walk in the Way requires birth from Above on the wings of a dove.”

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New member covenant

{Leader}  In this watchful season, we gather ’round the table of bounty to embrace newcomers to our Circle and to renew our covenant vows. To these new ones, we ask: Do you know where you are, what are you promising, and what is being promised to you?

{New Members}  What place is this? Remind us of what we need to know.

This is a sanctuary of refuge amid the empire of enmity. Here hungry ones find food, and proud ones are scattered. Here mountains are brought low and valleys are lifted up. Here mercy trumps vengeance, and the whole earth learns to magnify God. Do you wish to be here?

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Never a day more

There never was a more holy age than ours, and never a less.

There is no less holiness at this time—as you are reading this—than there was the day the Red Sea parted.

There is no whit less might in heaven or on earth than there was the day Jesus said "Maid, arise" to the centurion's daughter, or the day Peter walked on water.

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Multiply their presence

Rejoice in the presence of those who resist the counsel of the arrogant, who sidestep the influence-peddlers, who refuse to participate in political payoffs.

Blessed One, multiply their presence in our midst! And may we have the courage to be among their number!

Welcome such women and men and children. Through their lives all Life is served. Like strong trees planted by the water, their fruits are abundant and their prosperity is shared by all.

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